Business Page on Facebook

Creating your business page on Facebook is one of the very first steps into the world of Social Media. Having a Facebook page available for your customers gives them an easy way to interact with you and your business on a personal level. So, what are the steps you need to know to be able to make full use of this great business and marketing platform?

Page Setup

The first step in the process of getting your business up and running on Facebook is the page setup. The place to start would be right here. You will find a walk-through for setting your business page up.

There are a number of benefits to setting up a business page on Facebook, the first of which is making your business more discoverable.

This means that when someone searches for you not only on Facebook, but also Google, they will most likely be able to find your business Facebook page.

Not only that, but Facebook also allows you to have a unique URL for your business page, for example, meaning that the page is easily found and remembered.

This leads us into the second benefit, being connected. If your potential customers can visit your facebook page and see not only other customers connecting with you, but can also see you interacting with those customers, that is a huge indicator of trust.

They will already know that you would respond to queries not only with precision, but also in a timely manner.

The final benefit is the analytical advantage you will have by using Facebook for business. Facebook provides you with a number of different insights about your customer base and marketing techniques which will prove exceedingly useful in tracking your social performance.

Finding Your Audience

It is important to consider a number of things when finding your Facebook audience. The first is, what do your customers and ideal customers have in common?

Maybe they all live in a particular area, or they are all a very similar age or the same gender? Do they all have a hobby in common? Whatever the common denominator is between all of your potential customers, that would be the best way to find a base audience to promote your business to.

The second thing to consider is, how can your business or product help your audience? If your customers have a definite need for your product or service, then that is a perfect angle to market to them.

If your product or service is going to make life easier, make business easier or more lucrative, or simply just save them some time, then why wouldn’t they want it?

Finally, you need to think about timing. Timing in the marketing world can often make or break a venture. If there is a specific time of year or time of day that your customers will buy, then why try and fight that?

The best thing to do would be to make the most of this knowledge and get your message out when it will benefit your customers the most.

Make sure you remember to invite your current customers and business partners to like and interact with your page, since they will help you to tell your story by sharing their experience of your products and services. Find out more about how we can help with this here.

Creating Useful and Compelling Content

Never create content for the sake of creating it.

The best way to look at content creation is ‘how will this help my customers‘. Content is always best when it serves a purpose, and if you can then link that purpose into your business, then its a win win situation!

A good way to make sure that all of your content is useful is by asking yourself a few question.

The first question is ‘Does the content/topic excite you?’ If you are excited about what you are writing about, then your customers will be too. They share in your excitement, why else do you think they follow you?

Once a post is created and published, the next important step is to make sure you engage with anyone and everyone commenting, liking and sharing your content.

Engagement with customers is what makes them feel valued, and this is important not only for retention of these customers, but for new customers to realise they will be valued too.

Another important point when it comes to content is making sure that you are consistent with your posts. It is a good idea to plan ahead for your content. That way you know what you will be posting, when and most importantly how often.

Advertising Your Pages, Posts and Business

Advertising is a major part of success on Facebook.

Advertising allows us to reach out to current and potential customers on Facebook. Not only that but we can target specific audiences using Facebook’s advertising tools.

Find out more about or Facebook advertising expertise.

Measuring and Adjusting

As already mentioned, Facebook provides excellent insights about your page. It allows you to spot trends and pick out content that has worked well for you.

From here you will be able to tailor your Facebook marketing efforts on the things that WORK rather than the things that didn’t.

We use a number of techniques to discover what types of content work for you, your business and your customers.

Tracking and managing your content is of the utmost importance and for that reason, getting it right is imperative. Visit our Facebook Advertising page to discover more about how we can help.