Allen Signs

What did we do?

  • Search Engine Optimisation Research
  • Google AdWords Management
  • Search Engine Optimisation

Allen Signs Website

We were approached by Allen Signs to help them to improve their online presence as well as increasing the number of enquiries from their website.

After extensive keyword research we proposed a site map very similar to the current website layout. Trying to include all your services as a business can prove difficult and can sometimes feel like you will overwhelm your visitors. We considered each page as a landing page for the website and developed the top level categories that would make sense to a new visitor (as they could navigate quickly to what type of signage they would be looking for).

Since we implemented the seo strategy their organic traffic has continued to grow (falling only around the Christmas period each year),meaning we are never looking for a”quick win” that could jeopardise the long term success of the website.

Allen Signs Analytics

More visitors to the website is good, but this is only one part of our strategy to help clients get more business from their website. The best example of whether these visitors are “good quality” comes from measuring the online conversions (completed enquiry forms) from the website. Again the graph below shows the number of conversions increasing month on month.

Allen Signs Conversions


We employ Liam to devise and assist in developing our new website and ad words campaign. Without fail he has provided us with a level of service and support which exceeds our expectations and he’s an all round good bloke as well. I can’t recommend him highly enough.