Twitter Analytics

Twitter Analytics is an analytical program released by twitter for twitter users, business and personal, to track their twitter performance. Twitter Analytics allows us to track a number of things including:

Tweet Activity

You are able to measure engagement on your tweets and learn hoe to make your tweets more successful on this very busy social media platform.


You can explore the interests, locations and various demographics of all of your followers. This allows us to spot trends in our followers and see if there is any particular promotional material that may be of use to a majority of them.

Twitter Cards

Now we can use analytics to track how our twitter cards are driving clicks, app installs and retweets.

However there are a couple of requirements for us to have access to twitter analytics. The first of which is that we much be using twitter cards. Twitter cards help us ‘richly’ represent our content on twitter. Secondly, we must become an advertiser on twitter which does mean paying for some of our twitter activity.

Make sure to get the most out of Twitter Analytics by talking to Zaddle Internet Marketing on 08456 189700. We offer advice as well as a fully managed twitter service and courses on how to run your own twitter accounts effectively.